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FoBLC Annual General Meeting 15th June 2024 at 2pm & National Cemeteries Week 8–16 June 2024

Discover how Cemetery Friends throughout the UK support the people keeping your cemetery tidy and safe, and many other aspects of their work. 

Friends of Brockley & Ladywell Cemeteries Annual General Meeting 15th June 2024 at 2pm Ladywell Cemetery Chapel 

Following the AGM and a break for refreshments at 3pm. approx. An Appreciation of the late Mike Guilfoyle
MIke Guilfoyle 1955-2023

Members and friends are invited to share their appreciation of the work done by Mike while a member of the Friends’ group in his various roles. Comments will be interspersed with recordings of his podcasts highlighting the lives of three of the fascinating people buried in the cemeteries, with PowerPoint illustrations. 

 National Cemeteries Week is supported by the National Federation of Cemetery Friends in association with Caring for God’s Acre. 

For further information visit